Sunday, July 11, 2021

What Does Ethics in the Aviation Profession Mean to You?

        In the aviation community it is important to understand that there is a high standard for ethical behavior. There is a moral duty and obligation that future aviation professionals must adhere to. When it comes to becoming a pilot there are multiple tests, examinations a pilot must pass to qualify under the FAAs guidelines. Ethics and professionalism go hand in hand when it comes to aviation, all who works in this environment must commit to the highest standards especially when it comes to safety 

        While it is difficult to label what is ethical one thing is certain that the safety of the pilot, ground crews, passengers and other members of the aviation community are a major priority. Those involved in the aviation profession will have to determine what will be the best decision under difficult circumstances. This can be from a technical standpoint with a maintenance issue, or from instincts. Learning how to be an ethical professional is ongoing one that will most likely continue to progress through one's career and education. It is an important part of joining the aviation community, just as receiving certifications and passing medical examinations. The ability to make a difficult decision is essential to becoming a part of the organization. This is something that all members must understand from ground crews to maintenance technicians, pilots, and flight attendants. It is important to understand that ethics is a role that takes a hold of everyday life this will include appearance, attitude, organizational skills, and speech. How one upholds themselves plays a vital role in ethical professionalism. This is something that can visually be seen in the aviation community. Ethical standards while difficult to teach is still a vital part of the aviation community and will continue to do so in the future.   

-Zachary Stiles 

        Benton, P. (1995). Ethics in Aviation Education. Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education and Research. doi:10.15394/jaaer.1995.1147

        Pilot’s handbook of aeronautical knowledge (2016th ed.). (2016). Aviation Supplies & Academics.

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